Subject: Re: Resurrecting and putting NetBSD in a 5000/200
To: None <port-pmax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Mauricio Tavares <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 07/29/1999 10:39:02
At 12:02 AM 7/30/99 +1000, Simon Burge <simonb@NetBSD.ORG> wrote:
>Mauricio Tavares wrote:
>That's what we want to hear!
Well, if that was not the case, why would I be in the netbsd mailing list?
Ultrix does suck BTW. When I had my Sun 3/50 running, I ran netbsd in it
ant it was a pretty happy machine. So, I hope my 5000 will be the same way =)
>Try just "cnfg" with no number.
Did and this si what it told to me:
7: KN02-AA DEC V5.3t TCF0 (0220cpu with 16 MB memory)
6: PMAD-AA DEC V5.3a TCF0 (enet: 08-00-2b-17-91-25)
5: PMAZ-AA DEC V5.3d TCF0 (SCSI = 7)
>> Er what do you mean? boot the PC from the netbsd floppy so I can
>> format/partition/Install OS the SCSI HD in the PC and then take it to the
>> DEC?
>Pretty much, but then I don't have any windows knowledge, so there may
>be a much simpler way of doing this :-)
>The "diskimage.gz" file is a compressed image that can be put onto the
>start of a harddisk, then you can boot off that disk on a pmax. For
>example, if you have access to the file on a netbsd/i386 (say from a
>MSDOS or win95 partition) and have booted off a netbsd/i386 install
>floppy, you can (once you've mounted the windows partition - but I
>don't know how to do that part :-( ):
> zcat diskimage.gz | dd of=/dev/rsdXd bs=32k
>where "rsdXd" would be the disk you want on the pmax (X is the disk
>number in the message that appear on boot on the i386).
>Once you have that on the disk, you can put that disk on your pmax
>and type:
> boot 3/rz0/netbsd
>to boot the kernel in that diskimage and from there you can partition,
>format and install NetBSD on the pmax (say getting the NetBSD binary
>sets via FTP).
>As Richard van den Berg suggested, it may be much easier to see if you
>can find a bootp/tftp server for Windows and get the pmax to load an
>install kernel via that method. Again, I know nothing about this
>sort of stuff under Windows...