Subject: Re: RAM question
To: None <>
From: Simon Burge <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 08/14/1999 19:55:53 wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a DecStation 5000/200, and I have a question about my RAM.
> The PROM cnfg command says 32MB (I assume that's how much RAM I have, I
> don't have a manual!), yet the kernel says 16mb. Which one is real, and if
> the 32mb is correct, how do I get NetBSD to recognize it?
> Here's what I got from booting (I took out the FB and booted with serial)
> KN02-AA V5.3c (PC: 0x8015ffb4, SP: 0xc25c7e28)
> >>cnfg
> 7: KN02-AA DEC V5.3c TCF0 ( 32 MB)
> 6: PMAD-AA DEC V5.3a TCF0 (enet: 08-00-2b-17-b0-7c)
> 5: PMAZ-AA DEC V5.3b TCF0 (SCSI = 7)
>> cnfg 7
and it should show the individual modules. They should all be in
continuous slots starting at slot 0. Likewise:
>> cnfg 5
would show all your SCSI devices.