Subject: Re: 5000/1xx Hardware Maintenance Guide
To: port-pmax NetBSD <>
From: Chris Pitchford <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 10/20/1999 00:00:13
I've managed to get Linux to work on my DecStation 5000/120
Unfortunately the support for the framebuffer card is less than none under
linux.. This means the box boots but you dont see anything!! you can
telnet into the box and play around, but that's no fun!
I would be very interested to hear if people managed to get NetBSD working
on a 5000/120 with Bios 5.8f as I cannot boot ANY 1.4.x kernels and 1.3.x
wont talk to my network interface (on board) even if it boots over
tft/bootp.. which is very strange.. It works under Linux.. It's a pity as
I want to try and develope using both platform.. one with net and one with
graphics.. but neither with both :( I think I have a strange box!!!
Chris Pitchford <>
On Tue, 19 Oct 1999, Jonathan Stone wrote:
> >Funny, that you're asking - we're just planning to put the
> >documentation presented at to the
> >pmax-port pages. I'll try to get a statement about copyright issues
> >from DECPAQ tomorrow. I'm rather sure they won't object... So we dn't
> >have to send people to the "rival's page" ;)
> Cool!
> >Besides: Has anyone
> >already tried the Linux port? All I got so far was hearsay and my 1Gig
> >disk is rather crammed...
> Not personally, but from reports here and comp.sys.dec it sounds less
> than complete on platforms for which no hardware docs are available:
> 3MIN and 3MAX/3MAXPLUS/BIGMAX. (5000/1xx, 5000/240, 5000/260). Not
> sure about the /200 and 2100/3100. Doubt they support 5100s at all.
> I hear even the MAXINE (5000/xx) code is less polished.
> I agree it'd be nice to have a comparison by someone who's acutally
> tried both.
> --Jonathan