Subject: Re: Internal SCSI cable length on 5000/33
To: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 10/21/1999 12:42:38
On Tue, 19 Oct 1999, Jonathan Stone wrote:
> >By any chance is there a 2100/3100 equivalent manual about?
> There's a slighlty different document for the 2100/3100, and the
> 5000/200 (and some TC option docs; some sketchy, some useful). Both
> were on the FTP archive at
> I think it'd be very nice if we had a copy of those on the NetBSD web
> site, plus a pointer, just in case Compaq takes them away at some
> future date.
cgd already copied and indexed a lot of docs from gatekeeper
If anyone knows of anything else useful on gatekeeper that is
not in the above dec-docs directory on, please
let us know!
I've added a link to .../dec-docs/index.html#pmax-sys from
the NetBSD/pmax FAQ :)