Subject: Re: 1.4L doesn't like my 5000/133
To: Erik Bertelsen <>
From: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
List: port-pmax
Date: 10/21/1999 09:56:02
In message <>Erik Bertelsen writes
>On Wed, Oct 20, 1999 at 06:16:57PM -0700, Jonathan Stone wrote:
>> [... upgraded to 1.4.1 first]
>> >The result was a panic, same as before.
>> Okay. Then -current is probably busted on pmaxes. It's very hard to
>Well, not completely. My 5000/133 seems to run reasonably well with -current,
>although I've seen a few panics that I've no explanation for:
> zgrep panic messages*z
>messages.1.gz:Oct 13 12:59:05 sockdev /netbsd: panic: trap
>messages.1.gz:Oct 13 12:59:06 sockdev savecore: reboot after panic: trap
That looks pretty busted to me. UnfortunatelyI no longer have
Ethernet at home, and what with working over the summer, and Ricochet
bandwidth, I havent kept up with -current. B is still rock-solid,
Do you know how far back these started appearing?