Subject: Re: FWD from Jeffrey Mogul: Re: Question about copyrights on old material
To: None <>
From: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
List: port-pmax
Date: 10/22/1999 14:29:05
In message <>,
"Bernhard H. Buckel" writes:
>Ok, I'll add this to the list of documents I found under
> Any more additions, anyone?
Also the Functional Specification for the 3MAX+. I will contact my
psychic sources and get the date, version number, and title. Note too
that some of us have info on the C stepping IOCTL asic which wasn't
documented anywhere. There's supposedly other info on the graphics
cards, but last i heard the online copies were lost and some of the
formal docs were never more than boilerplate.
>compile our "wish-list" over the weekend if I don't get any more
>input. Toru: Could you send me the URLs to the docs you mentioned?
Uh, there *arent* any online copies for most of them; theyr'e
cited by the Mach source code.