Subject: Re: Documentation from DEC
To: David Brownlee <>
From: Bernhard H. Buckel <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 10/26/1999 15:25:47
Dear all,
>>>>> "David" == David Brownlee <> writes:
David> It would also be nice to put up a statement on the
David> site to that DEC for their permission to
Good idea, if they're polite we should be that, too. Generosity (if it
happens) should be rewarded!
David> duplicate the docs, and in making them available in the
David> first place. Can someone (Bernhard? :) find out if DEC has
Hmmm... This reminds me of the time back then in military service:
"Never be first, never last and _never, ever_ volunteer!" was the
golden rule of thumb. OK, I'll bite ;) But first let's see what
David> any particularly contact and or URL they would like listed
David> in such an entry....
I'll ask Jeffrey about that next time I get in contact with him.
"You, sir, are drunk."
"Yes. But you, madam, are ugly, and I shall be sober in the morning."
--Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965)