Subject: Re: Misc Probs with 1.4.1 and Decstation 5000/200
To: Simon Burge <>
From: Chris Tribo <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 10/28/1999 00:25:49
> "Chris Tribo" wrote:
>> px0 at slot 0 offset 0x0 No console raster or X11 support.
> The answer is that the px (PMAG-CA) isn't supported in NetBSD 1.4.1.
> You can either run NetBSD-current (I'm working on a snapshot as soon as
> we get an R4000 issue sorted out), or use the kernels and install tools
> in the pub/NetBSD/arch/pmax/1.4px directory on
> I'm not sure about your SCSI problem - the obvious thing to check (as
> always with SCSI) is that you have termination correct. Other than
> that, nothing comes to mind...
> Simon.
OK I downloaded the 1.4px Diskimage and renamed the generic kernel and
boot; and moved the the px kernel and boot into / on rz0a. When I try to
boot it It starts the first group of numbers with the spinner, then it sais
read text and dumps me back to PROM and tried to boot again the same way
over and over. Do I need to run the install program instead in this case?