Subject: smelly problem, update
To: None <port-pmax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Mauricio Tavares <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 10/29/1999 09:29:18
Ok, I found out what was smelling pretty bad in my 5000/200. Do you know
that Elmer's GLue-like stuff they put on some components to avoid them
shaking/bending/whatever? Well, in the power supply, specifically close to
where the two big bron capacitors are, there are some of that. It burned
around where one of those disk capacitors with sockets are. That is the
source of the smell. I wonder how that happen (it did not smell that bad
when I originally got it). What I will do is to get my disoldering gun,
remove components out enough so i can clear the burned glue, and then put
them back in. Nasty.
In the mean time, Peter Wallace sent me a 5000/20 (Thanks Peter!) which I
will be playing with while I do not get around to my 5000/200. That said,
the last time I downloaded netbsd was in early August. Are things
new/better in the current (or 1.4.1) version for me to download it?