Subject: Re: net-install HELP
To: Mark Rewis <>
From: Mauricio Tavares <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 10/29/1999 17:17:57
At 02:14 PM 10/29/99 -0500, you wrote:
>I'm trying to do a net install of pmax 1.4.1 from a 5000/240 to another
>I followed the direction from "INSTALL.htm" ( at least I tried... good
>document, bad user ).
>I have still yet another 5000/240 up and running and can access the tftp
>server ( the first 5000/240) ie. transfer files via tftp from an xterm
>works good.
>When I issue '>>boot 3/tftp' from the prom prompt I get the following:
>?PC: 0x80021fe4 <vtr=NRML>
>?CR: 0x30000010 <CE=3,EXC=AdEL>
>?SR: 0x20080000 <CU1,CM,IPL=8>
>?VA: 0xa000ef3a
Try saying 'boot 6/tftp' instead and see if it does it