Subject: Re: Sad day. My poor RZ's. (slightly off topic)
To: Douglas S. Meade <>
From: Warner Losh <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 10/29/1999 21:29:32
In message <> "Douglas S. Meade" writes:
: Is there any way to save these things, or should
: I just remove the disk mounting frames, and "file" them in that
: big box outside the shed?
It depends on why they are dead. If the weather just got very cold or
chagned quickly you may have a case of thermal shock, which means that
you are out of luck. If it is merely cold, it may be that the
lubricants aren't fluid enough to lubricate, so there may be hope if
you were to leave them inside overnight.
I don't think these drives suffer from the "sticktion" problem that
early quantums are known for where the libricant would vaporize and
condense as a glue-like substance (or some adhesive would vaporize and
condense on the spindle axle). In those cases a sharp, quick blow on
a hard surface usually fixed them... I wouldn't try this unless you
are desperate.