Subject: YP-HELP
To: <>
From: Mark Rewis <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 10/31/1999 15:18:56
I am attempting implement yp on my lan of 5000/240's.

I built the yp service with ypinit -m  
I have done 'make' in /var/yp ( several times, just to make sure ).
The various map info appears to being yppush'ed correctly.

The yp server daemon  appears to be running running correctly.

ypbind on the client machines appears to bind correctly to the server (
only have a master no slaves ).

The various maps appear to be accessible to the clients:	
	ypcat passwd, ypcat group, ypcat hosts show the correct info from the

yptest appears to run correctly.

ypwhich shows the master correctly.
ypwhich -m shows the correct maps -vs- master.
domainname shows the correct domain.

I can ping to every box from every box using IP addresses; and I can
also ping JUST the master ypsever from the clients ( the master's
hostname and IP are in the clients local hosts file).

NFS is also implemented and works great.

On the clients
I have appended the passwd file with +:*:0:0:::
            and the group file with  +:*:*.

Having said all that:
			I cannot log into the client machines as anyone listed in the
master's hosts 			file ( anyone that is not in the client's local host
file ).  If I 			login as root and try to su to a user I get:
					>>su - rewis 
					>> unkown login rewis  
			It appears that the various local files ( hosts, group, passwd )
are 			not being replaced or appended, respectively ( once again ypcat
			valid info for passwd and group).

I realize this is scant information, but any help or just a place to
start would be GREATLY appreciated ( I have 'Managing NFS and NIS' from
