Subject: Re: ibus addresses [was Re: CVS commit: syssrc]
To: Toru Nishimura <>
From: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
List: port-pmax
Date: 11/23/1999 22:29:35
>I consulted with a system note 'ULTRIX and UWS; AA-PYKCB-TE,' and learned
>several things.
>- 5100 backplane does not mention to how ports are numbered. The doco
> has a clear figure.
>- ULTRIX had the following rule for 5100;
> chip# line#
> /dev/console 0 0
> /dev/tty00 0 1
> /dev/tty01 0 2 DB25 w/ modem control
> /dev/tty02 0 3
> /dev/tty03 1 0
> /dev/tty04 1 1
> /dev/tty05 1 2 DB25 w/ modem control
> /dev/tty06 1 3
> /dev/tty07 2 0
> /dev/tty07 2 1
> /dev/tty07 2 2
> /dev/tty07 2 3
>To keep the rule or not would be another story.
in netbsd, /dev/consolke is an alias for sme real device. since we
already support(ed) ttyD{0,1,2,3} on headless 3100s and headless
5k/200s, the obvious thing is to number dc0 lines as ttyD0 through
ttyD4-ttyD7 and ttyD8-ttyDb sound fine for the option slots.
if someone wanted to update the dc manpage, that'd be great.
Does that conficlt with how port-vax handles DZV/DZQ (or whatever
they are called?)
Does the web page say we support 5100s? How is Simon's Freddo doing?
(A picture would be wonderful!)