Subject: ypserv[134]: svc_run returned
To: None <>
From: Aaron J. Grier <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 12/09/1999 12:26:22
This morning I got the following in my log:
Dec 9 07:50:01 goldberry ypserv[134]: svc_run returned
and ypserv died. Soon after, my client machines were going nuts and
banging portmap with yp queries, which shot the load up on the
server... restarting ypserv made everything happy again, but I'd like to
know why ypserv is dying like this. (It happens infrequently, and only
seems to show itself when my alpha client is doing heavy NFS.)
I'm running 1.4 on this machine:
NetBSD goldberry 1.4 NetBSD 1.4 (goldberry) #0: Mon May 10 17:16:48 PDT 1999
and the ypserv binary is almost exactly a year old.
I poked at the bugs database and couldn't find anything mentioning this
I know I should upgrade to (at least) 1.4.1, (or even -current,) but
figured I'd ask here to see if anybody's seen this problem before, and
ask whether or not upgrading would even help.
Aaron J. Grier | "Not your ordinary poofy goof." |
"I really admire your perverse mastery of the SPARC branch delay slot,
Dave. Or is it your mastery of the perverse branch delay slot?"
-- Joe Martin to Dave S. Miller on linux-kernel