Subject: Re: netbooting Maxine (MOP, TFTP)
To: Chris Tribo <>
From: Reinoud Zandijk <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 12/09/1999 22:03:55
Hi Chris,
On Thu, 9 Dec 1999, Chris Tribo wrote:
> The name in bootptab should reflect either the hostname or the alias
> you used in /etc/hosts. In my mini-network I have used the names of the
> space shuttles. So in etc/hosts it would look like:
> Endeavour
Checked it :-)
> and the bootptab entry would be something like:
> Endeavour:\ (or, full hostname is probably better)
> :ht=ethernet:\
> :ip=\
> :sm=\
> :hn:\
> :rp=/usr/export/pmax/root:\
> :bf="nfsnetbsd.ecoff":\ (quotes are unnecissary, but I use them
> anyway)
> :hd=/tftpboot: (Note no backslash on the last entry)
tried it :-(
> This was all from memory, but I think it is pretty much correct. I can
> post my bootptab when I get home or you can post yours, whichever works.
> Another thing that helps for MOP: In /tftpboot/mop, rename your boot_mop
> file for the Maxine to its hardware address.SYS i.e.:
and where do i find the boot_mop? I've tried some of the ecoff files just
to have a ecoff file... even tried `/boot'
> 08002b2f0eff.SYS (Note the case, MAC address with lower case letters and
> caps .SYS) That way you should be able to just type boot 3/mop and in
> your system message log you should see:
> [MOP] PID: HA "Do you have (MAC address.SYS?) [Yes]
> [MOP] PID: HA "Send me (MAC address.SYS) [OK]
> ... load completed
This first message is printed indeed... just the second doesn't come
:-((.. the DEC just won't ack it... The NetBSD/sparc tells :
Dec 9 21:56:14 rangerover mopd[666]: 8:0:2b:37:62:cb (1) Do you have
08002b3762cb? (Yes)
and moptrace tells
Dst : 8:0:2b:37:62:cb
Src : 8:0:20:18:a7:22
Proto : 6001 MOP Dump/Load
Length : 0001 (1)
Code : 03 Assistance volunteer
I guess the DEC didn't know what to do with this code 03... different
protol version???
Hmm.... getting a bit sad... and i have no docs about mop either...
Tanks again,