Subject: Re: Quick netatalk question
To: Chris Collins <>
From: Bill Studenmund <skippy@macro.Stanford.EDU>
List: port-pmax
Date: 12/14/1999 14:51:52
Catching up on old mail..
On Mon, 22 Nov 1999, Chris Collins wrote:
> Netatalk can use one of three protocols to communicate with the host
> computer.
> 1) AppleTalk/EtherTalk DDP
> 2) AppleTalk/LocalTalk (linux only to the best of my knowledge, and it
> requires special hardware too)
> 3) AppleTalk IP
Note: 3) really is AppleShareIP - Appleshare uses IP. That's NOT Appletalk
IP. In fact, only the data transfer part of Appleshare uses IP, unless you
manually enter the server's IP address. :-)
Also, there was a thing called IPTalk, which was an attempt to transmit
Appletalk packets inside udp packets. It worked, sort of, and was good
enough to let workstations talk to printers. But Ethertalk Phase II was
much better. :-)
Take care,