Subject: Best Slot Positions for PMAG-C video and PMAZ-A scsi?
To: None <>
From: NetBSD Bob <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 01/04/2000 18:15:55
With all this talk about multiheadedness and different cards in different
slots, so that I don't get totally confused, what is the correct or
best or [whatever will work on NetBSD-pmax] layout for a PMAG-C video
card and a PMAZ-A scsi controller card. My junker machines, when I got them,
had the scsi card in slot 1 on one box, and the video card in slot 1
in another box. To combine the two, properly, does the video card go
in slot 0, and the scsi card in slot 1, or vice versa? And, do terminators
need to go on both busses on the cpu chasis if unused (I will assume they
do go on the ends of each device chain), but someone said the unused busses
don't need a terminator plug on them if nothing is connected? I want to
confirm all this ...before... I inadvertently nuke something....(:+{{...
p.s. Anyone know of a postscript dump of a 5000/200 class hardware
manual anywhere, if such a beast exists, like the Maxine manual?
That would save many headaches [and dumb questions like mine].