Subject: Re: Any HD size limitations on boot disk?
To: Martin Stark <>
From: NetBSD Bob <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 01/10/2000 10:01:10
> I chose the standard and that brought me to a 32MB root partition,
> the usr partition is about 17GB in size.
For the sake of discussion, I updated my DS3100 and DS5000/200 machines
last night to the 1.4.2-alpha system, and they seem to be doing rather
A couple of questions.....
What is the pro and con of having a file system that large on NetBSD
or on a unix box, in general? I was of the impression that if the
file system sizes grew there was a slowdown in file system speed due
to the time to traverse heads across the larger file systems. Is that
correct, or am I misunderstanding how it works?
Are there advantages speedwise to breaking down larger file systems
into smaller units? If so, does anyone have any feel for sizes
Also, on swap partition sizes, my DS5000/200 has 96mb mem. I was a
bit concerned about it trying to run over 200mb for a swap partition.
What is the need of such a large swap partition if you have lots of
memory. I thought the idea of the swap partition was to optimize
speed on small memory systems? If you have lots of memory, you did
not need so much swap. Can someone clarify that situation? The
5000/200 is basically a small ftp/boot/archive server in a low-traffic
environment with few users (like mostly me only). It won't run X, or
if it does, it will only be a minor usage. It may serve some minor
web pages. Currently I am running a 32M swap on it, because of HD
size constraints. If I load up some larger drives, that won't be
any particular problem. But, I am curious about sizes vs needs in
swap space.
And, one more question, while my propeller beanie is spinning.....
I have a PMAG-C card and a VRT-17 and a VR-297 monitor. Will those
work correctly in NetBSD on the 5000/200 machine to run X? I am not
sure of PMAG-C support, and did not see it mentioned anywhere in the
install docs. If not, I will move the 297 over to a DS3100 and keep
the vt420 on the 5000/200.
Thanks.... lots of questions and the ol' propeller beanie is spinning
wildly, today.....(:+\\...