Subject: Re: New MI SCSI on 5000/200 - Resend
To: None <>
From: Michael L. Hitch <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 03/07/2000 14:18:42
On Tue, 7 Mar 2000, Andreas Priebe wrote:
> I just made a 1.4U with the new pmax MI SCSI code kernel from todays sources.
> It booted fine into single user mode.
> After this I did some minor activities (mounting/umounting, cat'ing
> conf files ...). Suddenly the machine just hang and after some time
> (half minute??? one minute???) it displayd the following messages
> on console:
> sd0(xasc0:0:0): xasc0: timed out [ecb 0xc0016108 (flags 0x103, dleft 2000, stat
> 0)], <state 4, nexus 0xc0016108, phase(l 93, c 7, p 7), resid 2000, msg(q 0,o 0)
> >
> sd0(xasc0:0:0): xasc0: timed out [ecb 0xc0016108 (flags 0x143, dleft 2000, stat
> 0)], <state 4, nexus 0xc0016108, phase(l 93, c 7, p 7), resid 2000, msg(q 20,o 0
> ) > AGAIN
> At this point I had to press the reset button.
> A second attemppt made the machine hang with a fsck - no messages this time.
My 5000/200 hangs shortly after getting to single user mode (and I think
it once hung before it even got that far). This happens whether I'm using
the old SCSI or the MI SCSI driver.
> PS. Can I build a kernel which supports both new and old SCSI schemes?
You can build a kernel that will use old SCSI for the 3100 (SII driver)
and MI SCSI for the 5000/* machines.
I suspect that's not what you are asking though. Are you asking if you
can build a kernel that will use both the old SCSI and MI SCSI for the
ASC driver on the 5000/* systems? If so, how would the kernel know which
driver to use, even assuming one driver won't stomp all over the other?
Michael L. Hitch
Computer Consultant
Information Technology Center
Montana State University Bozeman, MT USA