Subject: netbooting over a gateway?
To: None <>
From: Georg Schwarz <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 03/20/2000 19:06:27
Is it possible to netboot a DECstation 2100 with the TFTP-/NFS-server
bring outside of the broadcase domain? Is it sufficient to add a suitable
gw=3D... option to the bootptab of the bootpd (which of course must run wit=
the local broadcast domain). Does a DECstation support netbooting via
a TCP/IP gateway?
Georg Schwarz
Institut f=FCr Theoretische Physik Tel. +49 30 314-24254, FAX -21130
Technische Universit=E4t Berlin
Sekr. PN 7-1, Hardenbergstr. 36, D-10623 Berlin IRC: kuroi