Subject: Re: whee, it works.. sort of
To: Toru Nishimura <>
From: Lord Isildur <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 03/27/2000 21:39:44
Whose bright idea was it to start using ugly sysV style rc.d directories??
that is one of the most disgusting things i can think of! We've got
clean, pure BSD style rc scripts, just the single /etc/rc and nothing more
(from which anythign we wish can run) and somehow people just dont like
the simplicity? Am i the only one who thinks that going sysV-ish is a
BACKWARDS move? there is _no_ need to try to make BSD look like slo-laris
or linux or any other popular systems. i thoughti was safe from the awful
sysV-like world by using NetBSD!
On Sun, 26 Mar 2000, Toru Nishimura wrote:
> I've updated my 25MHz MAXINE contents with a snapshot image around
> yesterday, and noticed the introduction of /etc/rc.d/ seems to have
> hurted NetBSD/pmax performance severely... I raised higher the
> priority of performance issue...