Subject: Re: Support for RX26 floppy drive
To: Gregory McGarry <>
From: Christian Biache <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 06/26/2000 23:40:40
On Mon, Jun 26, 2000 at 08:22:21 +1000, Gregory McGarry wrote:
| Christian Biache wrote:
| > On Wed, May 31, 2000 at 19:16:11 -0400, Chris Tribo wrote:
| >
| > > AFAIK no one is working on it at present. I believe it was Andy
| > > Doran who mentioned that it's an Intel i8277(?) controller, and that the
| > > driver could just be stollen from the Sparc port. (This is all off the top
| > > of my head) It sure would be appreciated to write it in for pmax. Now if
| > > only there was a way to boot from the dang thing heh.
| >
| > Yes it's a i82077... I'll have sthing working soon.
| How is this project progressing?
Slower than expected, sorry for that. I was interrupted by a higher
priority task.
I'm trying to find out where the 82077 registers are mapped, it seems
they are not at the beginning of IOASIC slot #11 (the floppy slot),
writing at this address does not work (i.e. no value stored),
(BTW, the floppy_enable bit is set in the SSR).
I'm surely missing something, since the ISDN driver and the ASC driver all
see the registers at the beginning of their respective slots...
I ran the floppy PROM tests and everything is OK. Is is possible to dump
the asm code of a PROM test?
Christian Biache <>