Subject: Terminal
To: None <>
From: David D. <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 09/23/2000 18:44:27
First off sorry for such a trivial question, but IM new
to Decstations totally, ive been admining a few from a network for a while,
but this is the first ive had, well in short, I have no graphics
card in the decstation yet, but I do have a VT520 terminal,
I plugged the serial into the printer port (and indeed both com1s at some
point) and tried it in both ports on the back, yet to no avail,
the Decstation 5000/240 is using using a 1gb harddisk which
has netbsd on it, I cant get anything to come up on teh screen,
I dont know if its the settings on the terminal or
a setting on the decstation,
Any help would be greatly welcomed,
Thanks for your time,