Subject: Re: ssh-1.2.27
To: Daniel Senderowicz <daniel@bicho.SynchroDS.COM>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 09/28/2000 19:19:07
We do not make binary packages of ssh available (for various
legal issues relating to crypto which should have become
irrelevant a few days ago, but will take time to shake out).
You will need to download pkgsrc.tar.gz, extract, cd to
pkgsrc/security/ssh and run 'make install'.
-- A pmap for every occasion --
On Wed, 27 Sep 2000, Daniel Senderowicz wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to install scilab-2.5.tgz and pkg_add says that it
> needs to have ssh-* installed. I looked in the packages trees for
> ssh-1.2.27.tgz but I couldn't find it anywhere. Can someone tell
> me if it was removed from the tree? Thanks in advance.
> Dan