Subject: Re: Status of 5100
To: Simon Burge <>
From: John Hayward <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 10/06/2000 17:00:28
> Basically, the pmax-specific parts of the release notes haven't been
> updated since 1.4.x.
> > What is the status of 5100 and is there anything which I could be able
> > to help with?
> Are you able to test the 1.5 ALPHA2 snaphost on a 5100? I don't have
> access to these beasties anymore, but AFAIK it should work. If you can
> double check this, I'll make sure the release notes get amended.
Initially I had trouble when I tried to use the external disk for my
DecSystem 3100. But I discovered that there may be some incompatibility
with the "scsi" drives for between the 5100 and 3100. I could not boot
Ultrix on the 5100 with the storage expansion which worked with my 3100
and I could not boot NetBSD on my 3100 with an external disk which was
on my 5100.
I tried booting Ultrix on the 5100 then copying the disk image to on of
the Ultrix drives.
I could then boot netbsd and went thru the install process.
The install appeared to go ok.
I have not done anything significant on the machine yet.
When I was switching the console between the two machines one time when
I cam back to the 5100 I saw a db> prompt. I typed continue and it
presented me with the login prompt. I have also seen at the boot prompt
bad mem xxxxxxxx a few times so maybe these are related.
I'll have some more comments on the install notes later.
> Ta,
> Simon.
> --
> Simon Burge <>
> NetBSD Sales, Support and Service: