Subject: Re: Prestoserve SIMM support?
To: Paul Whittaker <>
From: Simon Burge <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 10/16/2000 17:56:50
"Paul Whittaker" wrote:
> Apologies if it's a common question or a sore point, but I'm new to the list
> and haven't found a satisfactory explanation on any FAQ.
> Why has no progress been made on support for Prestoserve SIMMs (for any
> model, although my specific interest is the DS5000/2xx)? Is there a
> technical information (non-)releasability issue, a lack of test hardware, or
> just a lack of interest?
There's two things -
+ No documentation available (for talking to the SIMM itself).
+ What would they be used for? I'd guess that there's no chance
that we could get the source for the PrestoServe driver itself,
and 1MB may not be big enough for NetApp filer-type caches...
> If it's a question of hardware availability I'm willing to donate a
> DS5000/2xx 1Mb Presto SIMM - with ULTRIX 4.5 and license PAKs if needed - to
> someone who stands a reasonable chance of getting results.
My main NetBSD development box has a PrestoServe SIMM in it :-)
Simon Burge <>
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