Subject: Re: xdm query ?
To: Collin Baillie <>
From: Simon Burge <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 10/23/2000 20:56:59
Collin Baillie wrote:
> Our computer club has recently salvaged a 5000/125 and a couple of DS
> 3100's from our Computer science department.
> We have NetBSD 1.4.1 on the 5000/125 which has 32 MB RAM and a 2 GB disk.
> We have just installed NetBSD 1.4.2 on to one of the DS3100's.
> To save installing multiple copies of software onto all machines we want
> to install all the sofware we need onto the 5000/125 and then get the
> DS3100's to do an xdm -query to the 125.
> What files do I need to modify to achieve this ?
It looks like we don't have anything at the moment to do exactly that.
You could add somethine like the following (completely untested!)
to /etc/rc.local:
if checkyesno xserver; then
if [ -z "$xdmhost" ]; then
echo WARNING: xdmhost variable not set
echo "Start X server, xdm from $xdmhost"
( while true; do
/usr/X11R6/bin/X $xserver_flags -direct $xdmhost
done ) &
and then add to /etc/rc.conf:
If you get this happily working please post your script - we should
add something like this to our base tree. A better version of the
changes would allow for using a different X server and using indirect
XDMCP queries as well as direct queries. The work to do this for the
up-and-coming 1.5 release would be easier since the /etc/rc framework
is more modular.
Good luck!
Simon Burge <>
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