Subject: DECStation 5000 running at last! Now just a few questions...
To: None <>
From: Scott Horton <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 01/07/2001 23:30:54
Well, at long last, I have a copy of NetBSD running on one of my recently
aquired DEC machines. It's been a long road of missing cables, booting
weirdness and so on - things I'm sure everyone is endlessly familiar with.
But! I got it running - DECStation 5000/240, 40Mb, 650Mb, PMAG-B, VR290.
Runs like a champ. Had some minor weirdness, it would boot from CD, but
then it couldn't find the CD to pull the distribution from; I assume this
was the CD-ROM's fault. I wound up booting from CD, then pulling the sets
over FTP from another Win2k machine - this worked great. Transfer rates in
the 900k/s range. So - now it's running NetBSD 1.5. I typed 'startx' just
for the heck of it, and it came right up. After many rounds with RedHat
Linux on Intel running XF86Config time and again, this just floored me.
With the help of a friend, I have already pulled in a window manager called
Windowmaker, compiled and installed it, and it's running great. All this in
one afternoon. All kudoes to everyone who has worked on the 1.5
SO! On to the questions. First; the simple one. After a fruitless night
of searching, I can't figure out how to tell X that I have an 'LK201'
keyboard - and my keymappings are shot. Hints? I haven't had a chance to
search the port-pmax archive as yet.
Second: The hard one.
One a whim, given all those empty turbochannel slots, I thought to try a
double-headed system. I aquired a matched pair of PMAG-B's (Thanks to Peter
Wallace of this list). Installed one, got NetBSD running, then installed
the second one. The idea was that X would hopefully recognize this as a
second display, and I'd have a double-monitor system (I actually have two
The 5000 did recognize both cards, although the prom gave me an error
message I think was connected to the second card...
" ?TFL: 1/ptrn (3, exp=90 act=98) PMAG-BA "
I went ahead and tried to boot, and the machine locked up. As closely as I
can recreate it, this is the dmesg from the failed boot:
Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000
The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
NetBSD 1.5 (GENERIC) #48: Mon Nov 20 08:27:21 EST 2000
DECstation 5000/240 (3MAXPLUS)
total memory = 40960 KB
avail memory = 34904 KB
using 537 buffers containing 2148 KB of memory
mainbus0 (root)
cpu0 at mainbus0: MIPS R3000 CPU (0x230) Rev. 3.0 with MIPS R3010 FPC Rev.
cpu0: 64KB Instruction, 64KB Data, direct mapped cache
tc0 at mainbus0: 25 MHz clock
ioasic0 at tc0 slot 3 offset 0x0
le0 at ioasic0 offset 0xc0000: address 08:00:2b:33:e7:d6
le0: 32 receive buffers, 8 transmit buffers
scc0 at ioasic0 offset 0x100000
scc1 at ioasic0 offset 0x180000
mcclock0 at ioasic0 offset 0x200000: mc146818 or compatible
asc0 at ioasic0 offset 0x300000: target 7
cfb0 at tc1 slot 0 offset 0x0: 1024x864x8 console
cfb1 at tc0 slot 0 offset 0x0: 1024x864x8
--- And there it locked up.
I can't promise that I've got the two 'cfb' lines exactly right, but I do
remember that they crossed; the first card in the second slot and the
second card in the first slot - which I thought was very odd.
Anyone got any ideas? Is there some switch in the environment I can change,
recompile the kernel and have it boot? I did check; it didn't just switch
console output to the other card, the computer simply locked.
I'm willing to shrug and say I don't need to do this; it just seemed really
extra cool... :)
Thanks for any thoughts!
Scott Horton
111 E. Forest Ave
Columbia, MO 65203