Subject: Re: decstation 5000/240 keyboard goes WHERE?
To: Marc Jasner <>
From: Lord Isildur <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 02/05/2001 15:06:58
there is a keyboard&mouse cable you need, that connects that 15pin
connector you saw to a keyboard jack and mouse port.
the kb and mouse are both serial, the protocol is documented in various
btw nice machine! 5k240's rock!!
On Mon, 5 Feb 2001, Marc Jasner wrote:
> HI all. I'm in the middle of restoring a Decstation 5000/240. I've got it
> up and running using a vt220 as a dumb terminal and setting the console as
> follows
> setenv consolse s
> Everything worked great cause i used the dumb terminal and it's keyboard.
> Recently (ok, this morning!) I got my hands on a VRT19-DA... VERY
> big/heavy/nice monitor... Now i don' thave a keyboard! I have one to test
> things with, but where does it plug in. ALl i see is a 15 pin port. I
> borrowed the cable off of a decstation 3000, along with it's keyboard and
> mouse, but that doesn't seem to work.
> I have a cable at home that appears to be 15-pin to 3bnc, keyboard, and
> mouse, but that doesn't work either, plus i want to use the addon video
> card, not the one that the 15 pin gives you.
> What cable do i need? Anyone know where i can get one? (Along with
> another keyboard and mouse would be nice if possible)
> I'm not subscribed to the list, so could someone please CC me a response
> at
> Thanks again
> Marc