Subject: LK keyboard available
To: None <,>
From: Brian Hechinger <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 02/28/2001 20:30:28
i have one LK46W-A2 up for grabs. you pay shipping. one small item though is
the keyboard lacks a connector, which has been ripped off (fuh) so you'll have
to slap a PS/2 connector on it (or even an RJ if you think it'll work)
i'll have more free stuff to offer in the future, just have to wait till i
drag it all home from work though. there are a couple early Alpha boxes
that i'm still not sure what i'm want to do with (they were all diskless VMS
stations, so they just may continue to do that for a while as i get my VMS
cluster up and running, although eventually i'd like to keep one and get rid
of the rest as i really don't have the room to start collecting alpha crap on
top of my sun and vax/pmax crap.
also, there are several digitalizer tablets (the kind that plug in in-place of
the mouse) and i really only need one to play with, so the others will all be
up for grabs.
other than that i have LK keyboards, but i need to see how many of them i'll
actually need.
i'll also have an excess number of older DEC monitors (model unknown at the
moment) for pickup only.
i'll post when i have all the details.