Subject: Re: Missing heat sinks on 5k/25 cpu/fpu?
To: None <>
From: Toru Nishimura <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 03/01/2001 10:37:38
> I'm looking at a DEC 5000/25 system and after seeing the cpu/fpu
> heat sinks on my other 5k systems was surprised to find none on
> this maxine. I don't see any trace of the heat sinks being removed.
> Do I want to find some before using the system, or did DEC ship
> some/all this way? Thanks for any pointers! Cheers, -- Ken
Our site once operated 200+ DS5000/25 units, and had little trouble
with overheated CPU/FPA. Fabricated by Performance Semicon (where did
they go?), ours had malfunctioned FPA lot that revealed bit rot
syndrome with oclock before X server shape ops were rewritten for
integer only. Later fabs of single chip needed heatsink, and early
R2000/R3000 rans slowly with much more heat, but it was uncommon in
the ascent of RISC processor age.
Tohru Nishimura