Subject: Re: Offtopic: need Ultrix genvmunix
To: <>
From: Dennis Grevenstein <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 05/09/2002 14:08:08
Collin Baillie wrote:
> So my questioin is this: Is it illegal to make a copy of an Ultrix 4.4 cd?
> If not, how would I go about it (as it's UFS not ISO9660)? If so, how much
> to get a licenced version?
It is not really illegal to copy the installation media as
having the media does not include the right to use it.
You have to enter a license PAK. Ultrix does run without one
I don't think that you can buy an Ultrix license officially
anymore. It's also very unlikely that anybody at Comp^^^HP
would care if you run Ultrix without a license. However that
you be illegal of course.