Subject: Re: wscons crash on 3max (5k/200)
To: Eyal Lebedinsky <>
From: Andrew Doran <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 09/22/2002 20:01:02
Eyal Lebedinsky <> wrote:
> I wanted to start using my xserver, which seems to work, so
> I went on to get a browser. Not finding one I built dillo
> from pkgsrc (nice system) (took over a day to complete the
> build) but it failed to run (the X server crashed).
I'll arrange for you to send me a core dump. Web browsers, particularly
Netscape and Mozilla (due to the way they render), will not work well with
your graphics board, because of its abysmally slow main memory -> screen
transfer rate.
Witness the difference in your x11perf output:
126000 trep @ 0.2006 msec ( 4980.0/sec): 100x100 rectangle
3600 trep @ 6.9976 msec ( 143.0/sec): 100x100 tiled rectangle (17x15 tile)
3% as fast as drawing a rectangle.
> I now ran this test, and it crashes the server:
> -deepcopyplane10
> with the message as below.
I found the bug. It doesn't show up with 32-bit color, which explains why I
didn't see it before.
> Also, at some time during the long x11perf this was logged:
> ===========================================================
> xdm in malloc(): warning: recursive call.
Strange. Need to know more about your machine's memory usage at the time.