Subject: -current release failed.
To: None <>
From: Christopher Tribo <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 12/11/2002 15:15:15
I tried building a release on -current a few weeks back, three
days into the compile I could no longer log into my machine, and rebooting
it could not get me into single user because it couldn't find /bin/sh. The
best part is I had it reading the source, writing the files and writing
the build log all to an NFS mounted file system. So how my local file
system got wrecked only leads to me having been hacked via the OpenSSH
server included with 1.6 or something seriously wrong with 1.6 and/or NFS.
The only files that should have been being writtin on the local disk were
to /tmp and /var/mail. None of that makes sense. I still have a copy of
the build log, and the reason the build failed was because it all the
sudden just started getting permission denied errors when trying to use
ln. Probes to mountd on the pmax machine were unresponsive, the NFS server
is a Pentium 4 running NetBSD 1.6K/i386.
Any ideas?