Subject: Re: automatic booting
To: None <daniel@bicho.SynchroDesign.COM,>
From: Daniel Senderowicz <daniel@bicho.SynchroDesign.COM>
List: port-pmax
Date: 01/12/2003 11:04:01
>theyre pmag-b, or pmagb-b (yes, it was not such a wise choice to make so
>many names so similar)?
>has there been any kind of crazy event like a bad power surge or outage
Yes, there were a few power outages lately, so it could be that
something got fried in these cards.
>by the way, are you running the mozilla _on_ the decstation? under
>netbsd? how does it perform? did you compile it, or use a prebuilt
>binary? any gotchas about compiling it, if you built it?
This is a VERY old mozilla version (mozilla-19981008) that works
only marginally in my 1.4.1 box. I use it only to generate postscript
from html, for anything else is just a test on how patient you are.
>the turbochannel slots and the memory connects, right? the 3W3 video
>connector is pretty corrosion-and-crud resistant.
Once every while I have to clean the memory connectors. I removed
the pmag card to clean its connector, which one is the turbochannel
>In any case, if the video card has failed, i could probably (depending on
>what kind it is) send you one for the price of postage, i have a bunch of
>extras and i only have graphical heads on two decstations, all the rest
>of my computers run with serial consoles.
I will appreciate it if you can send me 2 of these cards, is COD ok?