Subject: Re: automatic booting
To: Daniel Senderowicz <daniel@bicho.SynchroDesign.COM>
From: Lord Isildur <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 01/14/2003 15:59:30
On Sun, 12 Jan 2003, Daniel Senderowicz wrote:
> Yes, there were a few power outages lately, so it could be that
> something got fried in these cards.
not unlikely
> This is a VERY old mozilla version (mozilla-19981008) that works
> only marginally in my 1.4.1 box. I use it only to generate postscript
> from html, for anything else is just a test on how patient you are.
> Once every while I have to clean the memory connectors. I removed
> the pmag card to clean its connector, which one is the turbochannel
> slot?
the bus slot the video card goes into.
> I will appreciate it if you can send me 2 of these cards, is COD ok?
cod for something this small would probably cost more than postage!
just send some bucks when they arrive to cover the postage.
precisely what kind of card are they? pmag-b, or pmagb-b? the two are
_not_ compatible.
whats your address?