Subject: changes in asc driver from 1.5.4 to 1.6.1
To: None <>
From: Aaron J. Grier <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 07/05/2003 15:23:15
I recently upgrade my 5000/200 from 1.5.4 to 1.6.1 and something's
changed just enough in the asc driver. I used to get full sync
transfers on all drives in my system, but now I get:
asc0 at tc0 slot 5 offset 0x0: NCR53C94, 25MHz, SCSI ID 7
scsibus0 at asc0: 8 targets, 8 luns per target
scsibus0: waiting 2 seconds for devices to settle...
sd0 at scsibus0 target 0 lun 0: <DEC, RZ56 (C) DEC, 0400> SCSI1 0/direct fixed
sd0: 634 MB, 1632 cyl, 15 head, 53 sec, 512 bytes/sect x 1299174 sectors
sd0: async, 8-bit transfers
sd1 at scsibus0 target 3 lun 0: <MICROP, 1924-21MZ1078404, MZ38> SCSI2 0/direct fixed
sd1: mode sense (4) returned nonsense; using fictitious geometry
sd1: 2000 MB, 2000 cyl, 64 head, 32 sec, 512 bytes/sect x 4096656 sectors
sd1: sync (200.0ns offset 15), 8-bit (5.000MB/s) transfers, tagged queueing
sd2 at scsibus0 target 4 lun 0: <QUANTUM, ATLAS_V_18_WLS, 0230> SCSI3 0/direct fixed
sd2: 17510 MB, 20907 cyl, 4 head, 428 sec, 512 bytes/sect x 35861388 sectors
sd2: sync (200.0ns offset 15), 8-bit (5.000MB/s) transfers, tagged queueing
cd0 at scsibus0 target 6 lun 0: <PLEXTOR, CD-R PX-W8220T, 1.01> SCSI2 5/cdrom removable
cd0: sync (200.0ns offset 8), 8-bit (5.000MB/s) transfers
sd0(asc0:0:0:0): asc0: timed out [ecb 0x80f1b000 (flags 0x1, dleft 2c, stat 0)], <state 5, nexus 0x80f1b000, phase(l 1, c 1, p 1), resid 2c, msg(q 0,o 80) DMA active>
sd0(asc0:0:0:0): asc0: timed out [ecb 0x80f1b000 (flags 0x41, dleft 2c, stat 0)], <state 5, nexus 0x80f1b000, phase(l 1, c 1, p 1), resid 2c, msg(q 20,o 80) DMA active> AGAIN
sd1: async, 8-bit transfers
sd2: async, 8-bit transfers
cd0: async, 8-bit transfers
sd0 used to go 3.5MB/s sync, and as you can see, after first disk access
all the disks get renegotiated as async.
maybe it's something as simple as a timeout that needs to be extended?
Aaron J. Grier | "Not your ordinary poofy goof." |
"Isn't an OS that openly and proudly admits to come directly from Holy
UNIX better than a cheap UNIX copycat that needs to be sued in court
to determine what the hell it really is?" -- Michael Sokolov