Subject: Sanity check: does -current work on DECstation 5000/200?
To: None <>
From: Mason Loring Bliss <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 09/11/2003 13:59:43
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Hey, all. I'm just looking for a quick sanity check here. I tend not to
run -current lately, but I need to build something under -current, so I'm
trying to upgrade my DECstation 5000/200.
Unfortunately, the kernel is most unhappy, saying (copied by hand - no
serial console on this box):
trap: TLB miss (load or instr, fetch) in kernel mode
status=3D0x8ff04, cause=3D0x30000008, epc=3D0x8022fbe0, vaadr=3D0xc48
pid=3D1 cmd=3Dinit usp=3D0x7fffed68 ksp=3D0xc4867bd0
Stopped in pid 1.1 (init) at netbsd:pmap_procwr+0x8c; lw v1,0(=
=2E..and then dumping me into the debugger. Backtrace says:
pmap_procwr+8c (80313ee0,c48665000,10,80321240) ra 80179c4c sz 24
80179b48+104 (80313ee0,c48665000,10,80321240) ra 80178930 sz 72
sys_execve+af8 (80abc000,c4867e68,10,80321240) ra 80171204 sz 408
80170f20+2e4 (80abc000,c4867e68,10,80321240) ra 8022b178 sz 256
mips1_proc_trampoline+c (80abc000,c4867e68,10,80321240) ra 0 sz 24
User-level: pid 1.1
Can someone confirm that -current runs on pmax right now? I'm all set to
believe that my problem is operator error, but occasionally it's not. :)
FWIW, I'm using the snapshot from here:
These results are from a local boot. Another point of interest is that I
get the same error when I netboot the netbsd-INSTALL.ecoff kernel from the
same snapshot, which is what makes me think that maybe this is not operator
Thanks in advance for clues! I'll file a PR if this ends up being a real
Mason Loring Bliss Ewige Blumenkraft! awake ? sleep : random() & 2 ? dream : sleep;
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