Subject: [MailServer Notification]To Sender file blocking settings matched and action taken.
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 08/11/2004 09:36:48
ScanMail for Microsoft Exchange has blocked an attachment.
Sender =
Recipient(s) = BALTZ Jean OF/DTRS
Subject = <no subject>
Scanning time = 8/11/2004 9:36:48 AM
Action on file blocking:
The attachment matches the file blocking settings. ScanMail has Deleted it.
Votre message envoyé à BALTZ Jean OF/DTRS le [date] à 9:36:48 AM portant le sujet <no subject> était susceptible de contenir une pièce jointe dangereuse. Celle-ci a été retirée du message.
The attachment of your message sent to BALTZ Jean OF/DTRS le 8/11/2004 à 9:36:48 AM, with the subject <no subject> was deleted due to potential threat.