Subject: Re: X broken in pmax -current / Testing -current on MAXine, 3MIN,
To: Jean-Pierre HOFER <>
From: Michael <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 08/13/2005 13:46:24
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> I am trying to run the pmax port of -current (WSCONS kernel) on
> MAXine.
> The X display don't start properly :
> I get a root window with nothing inside except the mouse pointer in
> the middle.
Well, /X/ started properly then...
> There is no xdm login box.
... but your client(s) didn't load for some reason.
> The system seems to perform some cyclic retry of the X display,
> endless.
Looks like xdm or whatever you're using exits so the Xserver thinks the
session is over and restarts.
> At boot time, the following error messages are shown :
> wsconscfg: WSDISPLAYIO_ADDSCREEN: Cannot allocate memory
> wsconscfg: WSDISPLAYIO_ADDSCREEN: Cannot allocate memory
> wsconscfg: WSDISPLAYIO_ADDSCREEN: Cannot allocate memory
> wsconscfg: WSDISPLAYIO_ADDSCREEN: Cannot allocate memory
This means that you have wscons=3Dyes in your rc.conf but your wsdisplay
driver doesn't support virtual consoles.
> Is there some workaround ?
For the virtual consoles? Add support to the driver, the are lots of
examples, it's not hard to do, just tedious ;)
Besides that you can just put wscons=3Dno into you rc.conf - setting it to
yes will just try to set up a few more consoles.
And about X - well, find out why xdm or whatever you're using doesn't
start. It probably needs some config file hacking, I've seen lots of
complains about xdm not working with the default config.
Running X by hand ( startx ) will probably just work.
have fun
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