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7300/200 Weirdness...

Hi all,

Machine:        PowerPC 7300/200

Sorry for these possibly stupid questions, but I am genuinely befuddled by these....

1.) Setting output device in OF to /chaos/control has worked twice out of about ~60 boots. I'm getting fed up of operating from a serial link... Has anyone else experienced any problems like this. I appreciate it could be put down to "it just won't do it! " but why then did it work twice...?

And I'm REALLY confused by the dev tree.... I can find no listing of ATY or IMS....

"If that also doesn't work on your machine, look in the device tree for a PCI device that contains the name of your video card (preceded by "ATY," for an ATI card, or "IMS," for a Twin Turbo card). Some examples are "/bandit/ATY,mach64" and "/bandit@F4000000/IMS,tt128mb8A". " Anyone got any more ideas on what I should be looking for???

2.) I just cannot get the boot floppy to work; I've had various stages of success but the furthest I got was about 0.5 seconds of booting then the spinning progress line. Then that's it, nothing.

Sorry if this is a bit vague.  Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.


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