Subject: Cross building netbsd-powerpc using GCC-2.95.3
To: None <,>
From: User Witr <>
List: port-powerpc
Date: 04/24/2001 21:27:36
Hi all:
[Please send all followups to tech-toolchain]
I've been attempting to cross-build Netbsd (current) on a FreeBSD host
for a powerpc target, using the latest set of GNU tools (GCC-2.95.3
and binutils-2.11). [I'm not going to use the "cross" ports
egcs-1.1.1 compiler for a number of reasons.]
I've been having a little success, and I've posted some patches for
GCC to tech-toolchain. I can currently cross-build a kernel, but I
have no idea yet if the generated code is actually any good.
My patches are garbage; They generate a bazillion warnings 'cuz I
don't really know the right way to do these things. But, the results
are better than nothing, and are enough to get me started since I have
to play around with my platform code lots before I even begin to try
to get it running.
I'd gladly collaborate with someone who actually understands this
stuff (I am clearly just faking it! ;-). If anyone here can offer
some suggestions, head over to tech-toolchain.