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RE: IBMNWS multi user mode & vga console

I would be interested, as I would like to use them as a cheap cluster
test environment. Does anybody have a clue how to obtain this


-----Original Message-----
From: port-powerpc-owner%NetBSD.org@localhost
[mailto:port-powerpc-owner%NetBSD.org@localhost] On Behalf Of Erik E. Fair
Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2005 4:18 PM
To: beba
Cc: port-powerpc%NetBSD.org@localhost
Subject: Re: IBMNWS multi user mode & vga console

Last I knew, this port was serial-console only; John hadn't managed 
to figure out where the S3 video chip lives in the machine's address 

I have a pile of these that I will be setting up in my network in the 
next month or three, so you're not the only one interesting in 
getting that problem fixed.

        Erik <fair%netbsd.org@localhost>

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