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Re: -current build failure

  /var/tmp//ccVEG6Pl.s:68: Error: Unrecognized opcode: `rorw'
  /var/tmp//ccVEG6Pl.s:151: Error: Unrecognized opcode: `bswap'
  /var/tmp//ccVEG6Pl.s:628: Error: Unrecognized opcode: `bswap'
  /var/tmp//ccVEG6Pl.s:730: Error: Unrecognized opcode: `rorw'

I figured this out.  My source directory had a symlink 'machine' and
that brought in i386 include files, with i386 asm.  Cleaning out the
symlink made this work.

It seems to be a bug if symlinks are put in the source directory.

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