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re: occasional system lock up in 6.0_BETA and 6.99.5

> On 12-05-03 02:11 PM, Tom Ivar Helbekkmo wrote:
> > I am already current as per May 1st, so I guess the one that's biting me
> > is a different one.  I'm now running with SMP disabled, to see if it'll
> > stay up like that.
> Did it?
> Meanwhile, I am still hanging.  For those that missed it on the other
> list, here is the backtrace from the kernel debugger after a hang:
> http://www.vex.net/~darcy/20120428_4307.jpg

FWIW, this backtrace basically shows you broke into ddb from the
idle world.  ie, it's relatively info-less.

what does "ps" in ddb show?  etc.  look for proesses you expect
to be running and see what their bt is.



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