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2012Q3 package binaries for NetBSD/macppc 5.1


I've uploaded the results of a bulk build of pkgsrc-2012Q3 for
NetBSD/macppc 5.1 to


A total of 7.5GB of packages have been uploaded, consisting of
7623 packages.  The build failure of devel/libffi/ prevented a
lot of other packages to be built; I've updated it locally and
started a re-build which should be more complete.

The build was done with sources from October 2 2012.

For the packages which are not architecture-specific (should be
the vast majority), these packages should also be usable on other
powerpc ports.

For now the 5.1_2012Q1 packages remain on the ftp server, but
they will be removed once a more complete 2012Q3 package upload
has been completed.


- Håvard

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