Subject: Re: IBM 400
To: Charles Fultz <>
From: Tim Rightnour <>
List: port-prep
Date: 11/25/2000 23:42:15
On 25-Nov-00 Charles Fultz wrote:
>> The right way to do it.. is to hook up a standard PC NULL-MODEM cable to the
>> serial port 1 (com0) and to another machine. On the other machine.. run any
>> serial communications program you want to (tip, cu, kermit, minicom,
>> whatever
>> ). The firmware menus are available via this comport as well.
> That's what I did. I even tried it again, and it didn't work with either
> image
> in the snapshot tree.
Interesting... I've never tried with a video card in the machine.. Perhaps if
you take the video card out.. it will work better? You can also set up AIX to
allow logins on the serial tty, to make sure it works.. if you want to test
your cable out.
Generally.. from the firmware.. you should be able to set the boot order, in
that menu, there is a "boot from specific device" entry, where you can tell it
to boot directly off the floppy. If you can't get the com0 one working,
perhaps the non com0 one would boot up.. but chances are all the interesting
stuff will scroll off.
> % lspci -vvv -x -b -i pci.ids
> 00:0b.0 Class 0000: 8086:0484 (rev 03)
Interesting.. it looks like all you have in there is a Intel SIO chipset, a NCR
controller, and a wietek p9100 video card.
Could you try again with and without the -b, and this time with -i ./pci.ids..
(sorry, my typo) If you look at the supplied manpage, there is also a way to
generate a PCI tree diagram.. I'd like to see that as well..
> As soon as I get RAM for my development machine, I'll get NetBSD installed
> on it and begin work on a kernel.
Great.. In the meantime.. I'm wondering if your machine is really prep or
CHRP.. the lsattr output makes me think it's CHRP.. but the devices don't look
right to me..
Try booting the machine, and when you get to the "keyboard" icon, or right
before it says "boot" hit "1". If that does nothing.. reboot, and try all 10
digits. 5 should drop you into the SMS menu.. I think 8 or 1 on some machines
drops you into OFW. But it varies from machine to machine, and docs on your
machine are pretty scarce.
Tim Rightnour <>
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