Subject: Re: power ABI stack frame
To: None <>
From: Matt Thomas <>
List: port-prep
Date: 06/19/2005 06:47:33
Kamal R. Prasad wrote:
> hello,
>  Im doing a stack analysis on AIX/IBM p615 and I find
> that there are quite a few intermediate stack frames
> that contain a pc pointing to the data segment (using
> AIX terminology).
>  Im aware that this is a netbsd forum -but the
> convention adopted is OS independent (kind of) and hw
> specific.
> gdb has some provision to unwind the stack. Can
> someone explain how one goes about detecting dummy
> frames and why they exist?

Usually, they are for when lazy binding is done.  These
go through the PLT which can cause dummy frames to appear
on the stack.

Matt Thomas                     email:
3am Software Foundry              www:
Cupertino, CA              disclaimer: I avow all knowledge of this message.