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Re: Contributing to RISCV port

Andy Ruhl <acruhl%gmail.com@localhost> wrote:
>On Sun, Feb 9, 2025 at 1:22 PM Lorenzo Torres <lorenzotorres%outlook.it@localhost> wrote:
>> I recently switched to NetBSD on my desktop and I'm enjoying it so
>> far. Since I started working on some riscv boards and I wanted to
>> contribute to the project in some way I was wondering if there is
>> something I can work on to improve support for the architecture.
>> Currently I own a Sipeed Lichee RV and a Pine64 Star64 (basically the
>> same as the VisionFive 2) and I'm planning on buying a HiFive Premier
>> P550.
> Sorry, no answers, just questions.
> Does NetBSD boot on all of those?

It boots for me on the Pine64 Star64 with latest pkgsrc u-boot.

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