Subject: Re: problems of netstat
To: Boo Geum Jung <>
From: Anton Gunnarsson <>
List: port-sandpoint
Date: 09/19/2001 18:04:01
On Wed, Sep 19, 2001 at 11:27:24PM +0900, Boo Geum Jung wrote:
> > Is /netbsd on your filsystem the kernel that you actually booted?
> > Else you'll probably run into problems...
> Thank you very much.
> That's the correct reason.
> The problem is disappeared!
> But "Permission denied" problem still exist.
> -r-xr-xr-x 1 root wheel 114752 Sep 18 10:39 /usr/bin/netstat
> crw-r----- 1 root kmem 2, 0 Sep 19 08:33 /dev/mem
> I don't know why the mode of netstate is chnaged to "-r-xr-xr-x ".
chgrp kmem /usr/bin/netstat
changes the group to kmem (which is /dev/mem's group).
Next, we set the group suid bit (which causes the program to be runed as group
chmod g+s /usr/bin/netstat
So now, netstat will be ran with group kmem,
and will be able to read from /dev/mem.